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HMS Hampshire

On 5 June 1916, HMS Hampshire left the Royal Navy’s anchorage at Scapa Flow, Orkney, bound for Russia. The Secretary of State for War, Lord Kitchener, was on board as part of a diplomatic and military mission aimed at boosting Russia’s efforts on the Eastern Front.

At about quarter to eight in the evening, in stormy conditions and within two miles of Orkney’s northwest shore, she struck a mine laid by German submarine U-75. Only 12 crewmen survived.

The above text is an extract taken from the HMS Hampshire website see Useful Links page for more.

Time left to finish the HMS Hampshire.

HMS Hampshire is now complete!
This website is dedicated to building a scale model of the HMS Hampshire to be on permanent display, and to the memory of all who were lost on that fateful day.
Thanks for your interest in this project and should you have any questions or requests please see the Contact Us page.
Kind regards
Paul T