Fitting Masts & Funnels

With the decking complete it is time now to start marking up the placement of the four funnels and the two masts.

For the masts I felt they would be better built from brass rods, as this will ensure there is no warping or movement once the model is finished, and as you can see from the photo this is the lower section of the three part masts (These rods need to be cut to the correct size).

After the masts I felt it would be good to start marking up the placement of the funnels and noticed that the bases are 1mm lower than expected.  This is a minor oversight when drawing up the files as I did not double check the final height of the other parts on the model.  I can easily correct this by adding a 1mm thick piece of plastic card below each funnel base.

Test fitting the lower sections of the two masts
Test fitting the lower sections of the two masts
Checking the fit of the funnels and main turret guns
Checking the fit of the funnels and main turret guns