Life Raft & Winch

The building process is now really moving ahead at a fast pace and some of the new fittings include a 3D printed balsa lift raft and yet another winch.

3D Printed Winch

Today sees the start of the printing of the small boat winch and coal winch along with various ladder ways and skylights, pictured below are two of the winches. When installed onto the correct position on the deck I will add the brass etch handles and wheels.

Front Deck Fittings

Whilst waiting for the three sections that make up the conning tower to finish printing, I moved onto the fittings of the forward deck. I first started to layout the 3D printed fittings before gluing them into the correct places, then started to add the brass haul anchors.  I...

Night Buoy – 3D printed

Here’s a quick photo of the night buoy that has just been printed using the FunToDo grey resin, and please note that there are still a few tags left from the support system that held the part in place whilst the printing took place. The framework is only 0.5mm...

3D Printed Parts

Today is mainly computer based work designing the parts to be 3D printed, which include capstans, bollards, the main deck guns with sighting hatch and the main funnels. The next job on the list is to start drawing up the hatches and various vents used by the stoves on...

Deck Structure Starts

Its been a long day working on the making of templates for the wooden decking and test fitting it before we even think of marking it up, due to the fact it took three days of research to find the last 4 packs in the UK. Once the templates...

Some of the Fittings Arrive

Boxes have started to arrive with the ships fittings and I have added a photo of just a small selection of all these goodies. I have spent three days doing the research and talking with supplies around the UK to ensure we purchase the right items for this model. ...