Deck Guns

Just a few images of the 3D printed deck guns now completely painted and installed.

Main Guns

All four of the main turret guns are now installed and complete with associated fittings placed around them as shown on the HMS Antrim drawings.

Deck Guns

Another partly finished job was the installation of the 3 pdr and 12 pdr deck guns, which have been 3D printed using the new FunToDo resin blend designed for the Form1+. Due to the size of the guns extra care is required to remove them from the support material...

3D Printed Guns

Whilst working on the boat deck I set the 3D printer to create the 3 pdr and 12 pdr guns, and this took a little over 4 hours. The result for that time was an identical set of guns, something even the most experienced modeller would find difficult to...

Deck Gun Test

Today I made the first test prints of the deck guns, but due to the size of the final items I needed to print them at the highest resolution that the Form1+ printer can work at which is 25 microns or 0.025mm.  The new FunToDo resin which will be...